This was an evaluation report of the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women) Country Portfolio on Gender Equality and Women Empowerment (GEWE) in Zimbabwe (2016-2020 extended to 2021). The overall purpose of the Country Portfolio Evaluation (CPE) was to reflect on the impact of the UN Women Zimbabwe Country Office work with partners and stakeholders on the national GEWE agenda during the Strategic Note (SN) period (2016-2021).
The evaluation served two purposes:
i) strengthening UN Women Zimbabwe’s accountability to donors, partners, and other stakeholders;
ii) provide lessons that would guide development of the next SN 2022-2026 and its implementation framework as the evaluation was conducted during the process of development of the new SN 2022-2026.
The evaluation was primarily formative to provide evidence of key changes and opportunities for enhancing the effectiveness of the new SN 2022-2026.
The evaluation assessed the project based on the criteria of: Relevance, Coherence Internal Coherence and External Coherence), Efficiency, Effectiveness, Sustainability, and Human Rights and Gender Equality.
The evaluation focused on aspects of the three thematic areas: Women’s Participation in Politics (WPP), Women’s Economic Empowerment (WEE), and Ending Violence Against Women (EVAW)) in the UN Women SN 2016-2021. The evaluation team also considered evaluations that were conducted during the implementation period of UN Women SN 2016-2021 to limit duplication and make efficient use of scarce resources.
The evaluation covered the period from January 2016 to December 2022.
Find out more about the report here https://gate.unwomen.org/Evaluation/Details?evaluationId=11497