Rounding up the project Final Evaluation of the “Toward a cholera Free Nation Project” (2019 – 2023). The purpose of this institutional contract is to conduct a summative evaluation, document project achievement in terms of outputs, outcome, impact, and lessons learnt. The evaluation will combine qualitative and quantitative methodologies aligned to the objectives, results and indicators outlined in the project logical framework. Eventually, mobilize the various stakeholders to act based on the evaluation report. The objectives of this contract are to:
-To evaluate the project performance over five years covering three main outcomes notably
-Capacities among government and community systems for continuity, ownership, and sustainability of the program, including coordination and funding at national and subnational levelsEquitable access to safe WASH, and health services; and
-Communities’ adoption of improved WASH behaviors and practices.
-To document key findings, success, best practices, challenges, lessons learnt and recommendations for sustainability of the ZACCEP in Zanzibar.
-Produce final soundly written evaluation report which will be submitted to head of WASH Programme in UNICEF for donor and UNICEF use.
Client: UNICEF Tanzania
Location: Zanzibar, Tanzania
Project Sector: Monitoring and Evaluation