Zimbabwe - National Multi-Tier framework Energy Access Household Energy Survey, MDS was contracted by the World Bank to conduct a Global Multi-tier Measurement of Access to Energy Survey (Household) in Zimbabwe. The assignment included a baseline to track progress towards Sustainable Energy for All (SE4All) Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 7: access to affordable, reliable, and sustainable modern energy by 2030. Involves: development of questionnaire, household surveys, use of SURVEY SOLUTIONS, telephone surveys. The sample size for this assignment was 5000.The four major components were :
1. Designing and implementing baseline surveys. MDS provided MTF access questionnaires (i) households, (ii) community level and (iii) community facilities (education and health facilities) in paper and CAPI format. MDS carried out a tablet/smartphone based survey using only Survey Solutions. In addition MDS was responsible for collecting other secondary/administrative data for analysis and sampling phase. This included recruitment of researchers, training of the survey team and pre-testing.;
2. Clean data and archiving: The collected data was entered into a database, cleaned and delivered in Stata format. The collection of data was carried out through reliable electronic devices which recorded both the GPS coordinates and the timestamp of the sample.;
3. Submit the Country Diagnostic Report (CDR): MDS carried out a descriptive data analysis of the clean data set. In addition to the data findings, the report included a detailed description of all pre-survey and survey activities.