The Parliament of Zimbabwe (PoZ) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) commissioned a review of the Multi-Donor Parliamentary Support Programme (2014 – 2017) (PSP). The review, carried out by Joseph L M Mugore (International Consultant and Team Leader) and Ngonidzaishe Marimo (National Consultant and M&E Specialist).The PSP, which was designed and implemented against the background of an emerging new governance dispensation, ushered in by the adoption and implementation of a new constitution, and a rapidly declining economy, with a shrinking fiscal space, was built around five outcomes.
New laws enacted and old laws aligned with the Constitution.
Oversight function of Parliament strengthened; Governance systems enhanced.
People’s participation in legislation formulation, decision-making and related democratic processes increased.
Parliament's performance of its core functions strengthened through capacitating Parliament leadership and staff; and Strengthened gender mainstreaming in the work of Parliament.
This mid-term review assessed the progress that had been made so far towards achieving the outcomes and outputs, against targets and indicators in the PSP, and identifies challenges, gaps and areas needing strengthening, redesign, or course correction for the rest of the implementation period. It recommends measures for refocusing the programme strategies, highlighting areas of strength and opportunities for achieving the desired results and capturing the lessons learned.