Evaluation of the Project titled ‘Emergency Response to improve the Food and Shelter Situation of conflict affected IDPs, returnees, and host communities and reduction of the risk of flooding in Twic East, Duk, Uror, Ayod (Kuac Deng) and Bor South (Jalle) counties in Jonglei State, South Sudan’
Duration: February – March 2018
Description of Project
MDS completed an evaluation of the Project titled ‘Emergency Response to improve the Food and Shelter Situation of conflict affected IDPs, returnees, and host communities and reduction of the risk of flooding in Twic East, Duk, Uror, Ayod (Kuac Deng) and Bor South (Jalle) counties in Jonglei State, South Sudan’. The project delivered conditional cash transfers for shelter and construction of primary and secondary dykes for flood risk control and unconditional cash transfers for the ultra-poor and labour constrained.
The MDS team designed and undertook a qualitative and quantitative study of the project’s impact on beneficiaries and providing recommendations for improving cash transfer programming in emergencies particularly for the different categories of the poor.