End of Project evaluation of the OXFAM Novib programme, The Joint Humanitarian Response for El Niño in Zimbabwe 2 (ZIMJRII)
Duration: November – December 2017
Description of the Project
The MDS team conducted an end of project evaluation of the Joint Humanitarian Response for El Niño in Zimbabwe 2 (ZIMJRII) implemented by a consortium of seven members of the Dutch Relief Alliance (DRA) and led by Oxfam Novib. The project evaluation involved the assessment of 6 main project components which involved conditional and unconditional Cash Transfers, WASH, School Feeding, Community Gardens and Community Disaster Risk Reduction which were all being implemented to provide humanitarian assistance to the most vulnerable people affected by the drought and food security crisis in Zimbabwe, while at the same time promoting early recovery strategies and ensure that humanitarian assistance can be scaled down after the next harvest.
The evaluation used a quantitative and qualitative design guided humanitarian programme evaluation principles. The evaluation provided recommendations to the consortium of NGOs for improving – partnerships, humanitarian responses and effective humanitarian packages and approaches for similar emergencies in the future.