The evaluation of the 2014-2018 and Design of the 2019-2023 institutional strategic Plans of the Parliament of Zimbabwe
Duration: October 2018-December 2018
Description of Project
The consultancy was engaged on carrying out an Evaluation of the 2014-2018 Parliament of Zimbabwe Strategic Plan and the Design of the 2019-2023 Parliament of Zimbabwe Institutional Strategic Plan. The evaluation reviewed the 2014-2018 institutional Strategic Plan to ascertain whether the overall goals, specific objectives and strategies including the theory of change were appropriate and effective.
MDS was assigned to evaluate the 2014-2015 Institutional Strategic Plan and draft an Institutional Strategic Plan for 2019-2023. This evaluation included but not limited to Theory of change, Vision, Mission, Values, Stakeholder, Results framework, Baseline, targets and indicators, Monitoring and evaluation framework. After this MDS was also tasked on making recommendations for inclusion in the 2019-2013 ISP.