Mid Term Evaluation of the Joint Programme on Prevention of Gender Based Violence (JPGBV) Against Young Women and Adolescent Girls
Duration: June – September 2016
Description of Project: MDS was contracted to undertake a Mid Term Evaluation of the Joint Programme on Prevention of Gender Based Violence (JPGBV) Against Young Women and Adolescent Girls. The project was aimed at complementing government efforts in addressing GBV, UNICEF and UN Women designed a Joint Program on Prevention of Gender Based Violence (JPGBV) against adolescent girls (1019 years) and young women (20-24 years). The programme is also implemented at the national level. UNICEF and UN Women partnered with the Ministry of Women Affairs Gender and Community Development (MWAGCD), as the lead government agency to implement the programme. This was in response to high levels of gender based violence (GBV) especially among girls and young and adult women as confirmed by several national studies in Zimbabwe.
The specific outcomes of the programme are:
- Outcome 1: National normative and financial GBV framework strengthened
- Outcome 2: Improved preventive measures for GBV
- Outcome 3: Strengthened service delivery for survivors of GBV
Tasks: Designing the review using the Outcome Harvesting technique, leading district level consultations, national results workshop and preparation of the Final Project Report to DANIDA. The purpose of the evaluation was to provide an early indication on the achievement of output level-results. It aimed at assessing progress against objectives contained in the log frame, to check if the programme was on track, and if any adjustments were needed, draw conclusions about the programme strategy and inform future programming. Furthermore, the evaluation of the JPGV was meant to provide useful lessons learnt that would inform implementation of the JPGBV and other similar programmes in the future. The midterm evaluation was also to provide credible and useful information on the added value of Joint Programs in enhancing the achievement of results on gender equality, children’s’ rights and the empowerment of women through improved UN system coherence and efficiency by using joint designs and implementation process.