End term review of the Joint Programme on Elimination of Gender Based Violence (JPGBV) Against Young Women and Adolescent Girls
Duration: October 2016 – December 2016
Description of Project: Development Solutions supported this end of project review which was conducted jointly by UN Women and UNICEF. The Joint programme aimed at addressing GBV against young women and adolescent girls. It had three outcomes: National normative and financial GBV framework strengthened; improved preventive measures for GBV; and Strengthened service delivery for survivors of GBV. The project is delivered through CSO and government partners at national as well as district level.
Tasks: For this assignment, MDS supported the review team to assess the progress of the programme vis-à-vis set results/targets (as per the log frame), verify that programme and financial management, and review whether policy and programming objectives had been met as per the TOR of the End Term Review. A combination of qualitative and quantitative research methods were applied for this assignment. Qualitative methods comprised Focus group discussions (FGDs); key informant interviews (KIIs); and most significant change (MSC) case study stories.