FAYA Evaluation Kenya and Tanzania
Duration: June 2019 – May 2021
Description of Project: The project’s main objectives are to catalyse government coordination for Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) education policy development and implementation;
- To test innovative SRH education delivery models for scale-up,
- To invest in youth activism to push for policy change and generate demand for SRH education,
- Local hubs to disseminate data, evidence, training best practices to funders, teachers and advocates,To increase the organisational capacity of youth-led organisations to be more effective partners for Child Investment Fund Foundation’s broader advocacy goals.
Tasks:We were tasked to conduct monitoring and evaluation capacity building aiming at supporting development of a standardized M and E framework to inform the final evaluation plan and capacity building to collect interpret and use data including through youth led and participatory evaluation approaches. We were also tasked to conduct a programme evaluation. In this programme evaluation our task is to lead an evaluation that assesses outcomes related to; i) SRH education policy change, implementation and coverage; ii) effectiveness of adolescents, youth and their influencers related to SRH education delivered through a range of channels, including digital. Data use and visualization was also one of the tasks we were given. In this the task was to produce high quality summaries and visualization of main findings that clearly explain findings and trends over time and can be used easily by local partners and stakeholders to support advocacy and data use.