Following a request from the Tanzania Ministry of Health, Community Development, Gender, Elderly and Children (MoHCDGEC) to UNICEF to support the review of the current plan for the elimination of Mother to Child Transmission (eMTCT) of HIV, Syphilis, and Hepatitis B and to support the development of a new plan, UNICEF contracted Muthengo Development Solutions (MDS) in partnership with PRAXIS for Health and Development hereafter to conduct the review. The Consultants were tasked to lead a participatory review of the implementation of the 2018-2021 elimination of Mother to Child Transmission (eMTCT) of HIV, Syphilis Plan II, and Hepatitis B and to develop the 2022-2025 multi-year operational plan. The two tasks will be developed and the leadership and guidance of the MoHCDGEC in collaboration with other stakeholders through the Technical Working Group (TWG) chaired by the MoHCDGEC. UNICEF and UNAIDS are providing both technical and financial support for the assignment.