Component 1: Design and implement baseline surveys: This includes all the pre-survey activities, starting from sample design, sampling/replacement methodology to customizing/translating questionnaires, recruiting and training the interviewers/field supervisors, and piloting/field testing. The consultant shall be provided with the MTF energy access questionnaires for (i) households, (ii) community level and (iii) enterprise iv) Education and health facilities in paper and CAPI format. The Consultant shall be responsible for revising the questionnaires, with inputs from the WB, to reflect the country and local context and translating them into the local language. In addition, the Consultant shall collect other secondary/administrative data, as needed, for the sampling and questionnaire. The Consultant shall work with the WB and CSO to determine the sample size, based on the stratification strategy and margin of error agreed upon with the WB. Also, the Consultant shall hire and train the survey team, pre-test the questionnaires and pilot the surveys. Component 2: Administer the surveys. The Consultant shall carry out tablet- or smartphone-based interviews. The collection of data shall be through a reliable electronic device, recording both the GPS coordinates and the start and end timestamp of the interviews. The Consultant must adhere to the COVID-19-related restrictions of assembly and movement Component 3: Clean data and archive them in suitable forms. The collected data shall be entered into a database and cleaned. The final data including raw and clean datasets shall be delivered in Stata format. The hired consultant shall produce their database with GPS coordinates, and start and end time stamp of the observations. The collection of data shall be through a reliable electronic device recording both the GPS coordinates and the timestamp of the sample. Component 4: Submit the final survey completion report. The consultant shall carry out a basic descriptive analysis of the clean dataset. The report shall include, among others, a detailed description of all pre-survey and survey activities including issues that arose during the survey, and provide the means used to resolve them in addition to data findings.