Development of Child Care Workers Curriculum and Training Modules for Stakeholders in Zimbabwe
Description of the Project
MDS established curricula to guide an integrated, harmonized, and standardized National Case Management System, NSCM (at various levels) for the care and protection of children that facilitates access to social welfare, social protection, and justice and health services. This was from a broad understanding that anyone working to safeguard children should work within the NSCM therefore vital for them to receive training to enable them to work within that system. The objectives of the consultancy included; establishing a standardized wrap-around response service system that protects children from abuse, violence, exploitation, and neglect; strengthening child protection systems through linkages of community child protection and the formal system; reducing children’s exposure to harm through actions that strengthen the protective environment for children in all settings; and to establish a system for knowledge management, monitoring and protection services informed by ethics and standards of practice.
This was a highly consultative process that involved qualitative data collection through consultative workshops, FGDs with CCWs in selected districts, and Key Informant Interviews with key government and non-governmental stakeholders working in the areas of Child Protection. The assignment also involved an intense review of literature collecting information on best international and regional practices in Child Protection systems and mechanisms.