The purpose of this evaluative review is to assess the effectiveness, relevance, coherence, efficiency, and sustainab
Our approach to the assignment is rooted in behavioural science, that human behaviour is influenced by a complex inte
We completed the first phase of the Summative Evaluation of the UN Joint Programme on Girls Education.
We are conducting a mid-term evaluation of the Markets and Seeds Access Project (MASAP).
The objective of this consultancy is to map existing CSOs working, or with the potential to work, in the child health
The main objectives of ILO’s Diagnosis of Informality are to gain a better understanding of the informal economy (ext
We are starting data collection for the Micro-enterprise survey for the World Bank as part of the Ghana 2023 Enterpri
United Nations wishes to include into the Contract the terms and conditions of the Long Term Arrangement (LTAS) No LT
Comic Relief commissioned Zimbabwe-based Muthengo Development Solutions (M
The was a summative evaluation to assess if the outcomes of the intervention were achieved in the targeted districts
In Zimbabwe, where the immunisation coverage rate has been a critical focus for public health interventions, the invo
UNICEF and the National AIDS and Health Promotion Agency (NAHPA) worked together from 2018 in Partnership with MTV St
The purpose of this institutional contract is to conduct a summative evaluation, document project achievement in term
UNICEF is looking at implementing a two-pronged assignment for a one-year period: (1) supply end user monitoring (SEU
The assessment is an in-depth study of community-based disability services for children (rehabilitation, health, chil
MDS was awarded the Piloting Social Protection and WASH Interventions to Keep Adolescent Girls in School.