End of Project Evaluation of the Joint Program for Gender Equality ILO TREE project in Murehwa, Mutoko, Nyanga, Chivi and Gutu
Duration: August – September 2017
Description of Project: The Joint Program for Gender Equality (JPGE) was developed as part of the Zimbabwe United Nations Development Assistance Framework 2012-2015 cycle extended to the 2016-2020 cycle. The program was designed with four Pillars but Pillar 1 on combating all forms of Gender Based Violence (GBV) was dropped owing to lack of funding. The three Pillars that were implemented are: Pillar2: Women’s participation in politics and decision-making (led by UNDP); Pillar 3: Women’s economic empowerment and working conditions (led by ILO); and Pillar 4: National accountability on gender equality and women’s empowerment (led by UN Women).
The ILO project that was evaluated responded to Pillar 3- on Women’s Economic Empowerment and Working Conditions. The project sought to achieve; increased capacity of women and women’s groups to identify and exploit economic opportunities for employment and self-employment for women and; capacities for promotion of women workers’ rights is strengthened.
Tasks: MDS this evaluation to assess the relevance of the intervention objectives and approach; establish how far the intervention has achieved its planned outcomes and objectives; the extent to which its strategy has proven efficient and effective; and whether it is likely to have a sustainable impact. IN addition, the team took stock of achievements, performance, impacts, good practices and lessons learned from the implementation of the project to promote women economic empowerment and women workers’ rights.