The project aims to improve access to safe water by pupils and communities in the catchment areas of twenty-seven (27) satellite schools in three districts of Hurungwe, Mberengwa and Binga. The project focused on 3 main components i) New WASH infrastructure, ii) Sanitation and Hygiene, iii) Child Friendly Teaching Methods. MDS undertook an End of Project Evaluation within the framework of the OECD-DAC evaluation criteria that respond to impact, relevance,effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability. The evaluation also considered partnership coordination and design as well as use an equity lens (specfifically considering disability and gender) in the evaluation process. Specifically the evaluation sought to 1) Assess the perfomance and achievement of the project against the planned project objectives 2) To assess impact, relevance, effictiveness, efficiency, sustainability, partnership and coordination and design of the overall intervention. 3) To assess the major strengths and limitations of the project and draw leesons for future WASH in Schools Projects improvement and sharing with stakeholders 4) To assess the validity of risks and assumptions and 5) To assess the quality and rigour of the monitoring, learning and knowledge management systems.