Formative research on Menstrual Hygiene Management in Zimbabwe.
Duration: January 2019 -Nov 2019
Description of Project: The research aimed to investigate and understand the range of challenge faced by in and out of school girls during menstruation as well as the determinants of those challenges-across a range of settings and cultural contexts, i.e rural/urban Zimbabwe; Identify positive deviants and their strategies. To understand the socio-cultural and religious norms and practices around menstruation in Zimbabwe. Unpack the drivers of social norms, taboos and stigma surrounding MHM in Zimbabwe. To compare and contrast the varied challenges and determinants across cultural contexts to identify points of intervention that may ameliorate the challenges of menstruation for girls, with a focus on girls in schools but also those not in school; Provide strategic qualitative information and quantitative data for the development of an MHM communication for development and public information strategy to support adaptation of requisite social and behavioral practices as well as influencing the shifting of gender and social norms at the individual, family, community and societal levels.
Tasks: MDS was tasked to use mixed methods approach in this research which included desk review of existing best practices, programme policy and plans(if relevant), relevant assessments and studies(published and grey literature), primary data collection and quantitative/qualitative data analysis. Data was made available from other sources which was used to analyse additional and more detailed data in relation to MHM. Methods to understand the challenges of MHM in schools, included a global literature review(including grey literature), in country desk review of research, relevant national laws and policies, surveys or practices of MHM, focus group discussions and in-depth interviews with girls and boys in their desk review.