We are conducting a mid-term evaluation of the Markets and Seeds Access Project (MASAP). The project is focused on improving the accessibility of quality seeds of drought-tolerant small grains and legumes by supporting farmers’ organizations and enterprises, engaging the private sector, and conducting evidence-based advocacy.
MASAP runs in Tsholotsho and Mudzi in Zimbabwe and Shesheke, Sioma, and Chipata in Zambia. The project has three components:
Component 1: Smallholder farmers are helped to form seed production and commodity production groups which graduate to forming registered Community Owned Enterprises (COEs). These COEs can access technical, financial, and business services and viable markets.
Component 2: Crop breeding institutions and private companies are engaged to establish the production and multiplication of certified seed.
Component 3: Policy engagement and action research
The evaluation will comprise data collection in Mudzi and Tsholotsho in Zimbabwe and Sioma, Sesheke, and Chipata in Zambia. This will involve key informant interviews, focus group discussions, and case studies. The focus group discussions in each sample ward will be with groups of young women, older women, young men, and older men. The Key Informant Interview will be with key government departments, private sector company reps, and representatives of COEs.