Media and Information habits, consumption and perception in Zimbabwe survey.
Duration: August 2019- November 2019
Description of Project: The objectives of the project was to provide a better understanding of the media consumption habits and attitudes of Zimbabweans drawn from different geographical, demographic and economic backgrounds. The survey will pay particular attention to ascertaining the media perceptions, preferences and expectations of marginalized groups, especially women and youth in rural areas.The project also focused on gauging the level and depth of media coverage and citizen views on key developmental issues such as climate change, environment, corruption and accountability.Lastly, it focuses on exploring media and information literacy levels of women, men, boys and girls in targeted areas.
Tasks: MDS did a research which focused on six research themes. In these themes MDS provided the information on:
- The News media habits of Zimbabweans. In this case MDS provided information on the platforms where the Zimbabweans get information from and demonstrated the role of TV, radio, newspapers and social media in news and information flows in the country.
- The News concept of Zimbabweans i.e showing what constitutes news for Zimbabweans and how different groups define the term “news” and what it is to them.
- The public trust levels in the media. Under this theme it provided information highlighting the sources that Zimbabweans trust when they seek news and current affairs related information. Also it came up with the sources that provide citizens with information during crisis.
- The citizens’ perception and understanding of key developmental issues.
- Media and information literacy levels of Zimbabweans. Answering questions like how skilled are the Zimbabweans when it comes to evaluating media. Content.
- The citizens’ participation in relevant key issues through