UNICEF engaged Muthengo Development Solutions to develop the national framework to guide and support Government on the institutionalization of the WASH monitoring system. The specific tasks were: 1. Review the existing line ministry M&E systems and identify how RWIMS can best complement ongoing M&E efforts as an integrated/unified system ;2. Review and document challenges that affect RWIMS sustainability as well as provide key recommendations based on learning and best practices from other national and international monitoring systems; 3. Engage govnerment stakeholders in identifying and documenting institutional arrangements for the utilization of RWIMS by all sector players from government, civil society, private sector, academia and the beneficiary communities; 4. Develop the national sustainability framework for RWIMS including funding mechanisims/ modalities and operational plan . The assignment includes undertaking a review of the WASH monitoring system; review of prioritization of the WASH monitoring system in government sector M&E framework and policies; facilitating a series of participatory workshops from community to national level; development of the sustainability framework and financing models and cost sharing arrangements. Work included conducting value for money assessment of the system.