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For The Provision Of Evaluation Services For OCHA Evauation and Oversight Section

United Nations wishes to include into the Contract the terms and conditions of the Long Term Arrangement (LTAS) No LTAS-42108287 between United Nations Children’s Fund (“UNICEF”) and Muthengo Development Solutions (Private) Limited, for the provision of consultancy services in conducting Country Programme Evaluations (CPEs), Impact Evaluations, and Multi-country and Country-specific Programmatic Evaluations in UNICEF. The purpose of IAHEs is two-fold:
1) Enable learning for the humanitarian system. Evaluating the relevance and effectiveness of the
Scale-Up Activations can yield valuable lessons for the humanitarian system and future Scale-
Up Activations and will allow drawing first lessons from comparisons between different Scale-
Up situations.
2) Ensure accountability of the IASC organizations towards both affected populations and donors.
IAHEs are an integral element of the Humanitarian Program Cycle, assessing to which extent a
humanitarian response has met the needs of the people affected.

Project Type: 
Monitoring & Evaluation
Project Location: 
United Nations