Safeguard Young People Programme(SYP) End of Phases I and II Evaluation
Duration:March 2019- July 2019
Description of Project: The evaluation analyzed the results of the programme achieved to date, provided detailed conclusions and formulated specific recommendations on future interventions of this nature. The evaluation assessed the progress in the programme performance towards achieving its mandated outputs and outcomes over the two-phase period (2013-2019) and its contribution towards achieving the impact. Regional and country specific adjustments were also looked at. The assessment explored the strengths and weaknesses of the programme. It highlighted all factors influencing the effective and efficient implementation of the SYP interventions and their contribution towards the realization of the overall programme goal. Based on the assessment, it drew conclusions regarding the outcomes and overall goal. The evaluation also identified good and promising practices. It then formulated recommendations for the next phase of the programme.
Task: Muthengo Development Solutions was tasked to evaluate the relevance of the project to see if the objectives of SYP are consistent with the evolving needs and priorities of adolescents and young people, governments, implementation partners and key stakeholders within the eight countries and regional contexts . MDS was also tasked with evaluating the effectiveness, efficiency, impact, sustainability and draw some lessons learned that both SDC and UNFPA can take away on adolescents and young people’s SRHR, programme implementation, monitoring and evaluation and impact assessment.