MDS was contracted by the Kenya Red Cross Society (KRCS) to carry out an end of term evaluation of the project entitled “Youth as a Pillar of Social Cohesion, Conflict Prevention and Peace Building Integrated Programme (YSCPI)” a project funded by the Global Community Engagement and Resilience Fund (GCERF). The objective of the project was to strengthen the resilience of the youth against radicalization to violent extremism by working with the youth and other support networks (family, school, and media) within the community as well as strengthening the relationship between security apparatus, youth, and the community. The target group for this project involved both male and female youth aged between 18 and 35 years in Garissa and Wajir Counties.
The main purpose of the evaluation was to determine the extent to which the conditions identified by the baseline study have changed/been influenced through the implementation of the project in
Garissa and Wajir Counties. The end-term evaluation (ETE) assessed the performance of the project using the OECD Evaluation Criteria and captured project achievements (both at the output and outcome levels demonstrating the “efficacy” of outputs in achieving outcomes), challenges and lessons learnt. In addition, the assignment was expected to shed light on the adoption and adaptation of best practices required to enhance performance of future similar projects. Lastly, it assessed the quality of Community Engagement and Accountability (CEA) in the project.