MDS undertook a Mid Term Evaluation of the HIV and Disability Project. The project focuses on mainstreaming disability in HIV treatment of adolescents using the adolescent peer educator model titled Zvandiri model.
Ministry of Health and Child Care (MoHCC) through Africaid in partnership with Christian Blind Mission (CBM) and fund
The Parliament of Zimbabwe (PoZ) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) commissioned a review of the Mul
The purpose of the assignment was to have in place a harmonised and standardised case management practice for the car
The purpose of this project was to evaluate the performance of the Swiss Cooperation Strategy Southern Africa 2013 -
This assignment sought to develop a new ASRH strategy for strengthening ASRHR information and services for 2020.
The evaluation entailed Document Review, Key Informant Interviews, visits to project sites, interviews/focus group di
This was a Midterm evaluation of the joint programme between UNWOMEN and UNICEF, the JPGBV.
MDS was contracted to provide the following services in relation to the FAYA Evalution Kenya and Tanzania: 1.
The scope of this assignment was to conduct the Media and Information habits, consupmtion and perception in Zimbabwe
The project aims to improve access to safe water by pupils and communities in the catchment areas of twenty-seven (27
The purpose of this assignment was to develop an organisational Monitoring and Evaluation Framework and System which
Following a request from the Tanzania Ministry of Health, Community Development, Gender, Elderly and Children (MoHCDG
This assignment was to support the development of a new country strategy 2020 - 2024.
MDS was contracted by UNESCO to conduct a Health Facility Assessment in twelve selected higher and tertiary education