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Supporting and developing indicators to monitor the work of the Health Promotion Unit

We participated in a recent workshop in Kadoma, supporting and developing indicators to monitor the work of the Health Promotion Unit. As social behavior change experts we volunteered to assist in developing these indicators and underscored the importance of this initiative.

In particular, we were helping the Ministry of Health to develop effective programs that allow them to learn, make adjustments, and enhance the effectiveness of interventions, ensuring they achieve value for money in delivering health outcomes.

“We aim to integrate the current delivery models of the HPU with a more efficient, bottom-up monitoring approach. It’s not just about collecting data for use at the headquarters level, but ensuring that information comes from the grassroots—from the community level, district, and provincial levels—so that decisions are informed at all stages with real-time data on behavior change.” highlighted by Ngoni Marimo, Senior Social Behavior Change Consultant

Marimo further emphasized the role of the HPU in achieving national health objectives:

“This work is crucial because it underpins the broader activities of the Ministry of Health. The ultimate goal of the national health strategy is to improve health outcomes, which are driven by changes in population behaviors. The Health Promotion Unit is central to that objective. Monitoring progress and refining interventions will ultimately help the Ministry achieve its national health strategy goals.”

This workshop was important for the Health Promotion Unit (HPU). For the first time, they had an opportunity to understand how and what to monitor in Advocacy, Social Mobilisation, and Social Behaviour Change (ACSM SBC). Drawing from behavioral science and M&E approaches, we guided the staff from the unit to design a theory of change for the HPU and a monitoring framework that included quantitative and qualitative indicators and associated data collection tools. We are also assisting the HPU to have behavioral predictor indicators included in the Health Information System for the country.

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