The programme “Strengthening Civil Society to End Child Marriages in East and Southern Africa” has as its main object
Under the ZIRP project, FAO implemented 10 interventions in 4 districts in Manicaland Province.
Under this assignment MDS in partnership with ActivQuest is implementing an MTF energy survey covering all ESWATINI, including following energy user categories:
The call for consultancy was to build the capacity of the Fair Trade Africa project team on project monitoring, evalu
Muthengo Development Solutions was engaged by the International Labour Organization (ILO) Country Office for Zambia,
Muthengo Development Solutions was contracted to provide capacity-building services also known as Learning and Mentor
For this assignment, Muthengo Development Solutions was tasked to conduct a qualitative and quantitative analysis of
The core objective of this assignment is to support each of the selected youth-led organizations for the Capacity Str
Muthengo Development Solutions was the qualitative fieldwork implementer for the review of targeting approaches and m
This assignment aimed to improve education in host communities and to increase the ability of young people to access
UNICEF engaged Muthengo Development Solutions to develop the national framework to guide and support the Government i
Post covid era we were contracted by UNESCO to conduct a Health Facility Assessment in twelve selected higher and ter
Zimbabwe - National Multi-Tier framework Energy Access Household Energy Survey, MDS was contracted by the World Bank
The purpose of the assignment was to carry out a study of the impact of NTFP interventions under the ZRBF-funded BRAC
In partnership with Mokoro, MDS conducted the Evaluation of Government of the Republic of Zambia - UNICEF Country Pro
Component 1: Design and implement baseline surveys: This includes all the pre-survey activities, starting from sample