Institutional Contract to carry out and independent impact study for the School Improvement Grant (SIG) In partnershi
The impact assessment of Non-Timber Forest Product (NTFP) collection on household and community resilience was undert
Doctors of the World Switzerland (Medecins du Monde MDM) was in the process of developing its new strategy, this was
This assignment was to support the development of a new country strategy 2020 - 2024.
The scope of this assignment was to conduct the Media and Information habits, consupmtion and perception in Zimbabwe
The primary objective of the Project Completion and Performance Evaluation (PCPE) was to review the implementation an
The end-line evaluation was conducted through quantitative and qualitative data collection.
This was a Joint assessment on Education in Emergencies (JA-EiE) in a bid to coordinate disaster preparedness in scho
The evaluation reviewed the 2014 - 2018 Institutional Strategic Plan to ascertain wether the overall goals, specific
As part of the financing agreement between the SADC Secretariat and the Government of Sweden, an end of support evalu
The Southern African Development Community (SADC) is a Regional Economic Community of fifteen Member States.
The purpose of the end of support evaluation was to systematically review implementation of the Business Plan, docume
MDS experts designed and implemented the evaluation.
The project sought to improve the quality, usefulness, and impact of the research reported by stakeholders including
End of Project Evaluation of the Joint Programme For Gender Equality ILO TREE project in Murehwa, Mutoko, Nyanga, Chi
The project was aimed at undertaking a comprehensive stocktaking of the NAP process identifying national and sectoral