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Capacity Building
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The Zimbabwe Private Sector HIV and Wellness (ZIPSHAW) Board was established in 2011 to coordinate and strengthen the

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The Afya Bora ya Mama na Mtoto project was launched in 2015 and designed to address maternal and child mortality as w

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Food security/ Agriculture/ Climate Change/ Humanitarian Assistance
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GOAL Zimbabwe was preparing to respond to USAID’s Office of Food for Peace (FFP) request for applications (RFA) fundi

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Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health
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In 2016, with support from UNFPA and other partners, the Government of Zimbabwe commissioned, through the MoHCC and the National Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health Coordination Forum, the process of developing national guidelines on the provision of youth friendly clinical SRH services in line with the 2015

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The Zimbabwe Private Sector HIV and Wellness (ZIPSHAW) Board was established in 2011 to coordinate and strengthen the private sector response to HIV and AIDS, Wellness, and TB programmes.

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The assignment involved undertaking a rapid assessment of the status of gender and energy in Zimbabwe, taking into account the policy environment, legal frameworks, existing strategies and existing initiatives and programmes, including best practices.

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Ministry of Health and Child Care (MoHCC) in collaboration with Zimbabwe National Family Planning Council (ZNFPC), with technical and financial support from the United Nations Population Fund recently concluded the following three documents: i) Family Planning Strategy ii) CIP study iii) IUCD Study.

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MDS was contracted to undertake a Mid Term Evaluation of the Joint Programme on Prevention of Gender Based Violence (JPGBV) Against Young Women and Adolescent Girls.

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Finalization of the National Comprehensive Condom Programme Operational Plan reporting to the MOHCC AIDS and TB Unit in collaboration with UNFPA

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End term review of the Joint Programme on Elimination of Gender Based Violence (JPGBV) Against Young Women and Adole

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MDS facilitated the Costed Development of Pre-exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) Operational Plan for Zimbabwe.

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The objectives of the project was to provide a better understanding of the media consumption habits and attitudes of Zimbabweans drawn from different geographical, demographic and economic backgrounds.

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Malawi, Zambia, Zimbabwe

The Midterm review mainly serves the dual and mutually reinforcing objectives of steering and learning. Steering in the sense that the review process was to assess and report on performance and results of the R4 Rural Resilience initiative in southern Africa(Zimbabwe, Zambia and Malawi) and is expected to generate insights that inform any necessary strategic and programmatic adjustments.

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The purpose of the project was to undertake an assessment of the current level of vulnerabilities and resilience measures in place in the targeted communities by this action.

Project Sector:
Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health
Project Location:
Kenya, United Republic Of Tanzania

The project’s main objectives are to catalyse government coordination for Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) education policy development and implementation;

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This was an end of term evaluation which seeks to take stock of project achievements and their sustainability and lessons learned for future similar projects. Specific objectives included assessing progress, project effectiveness, lessons learned and best practices, documenting changes in production, use and effects of hermetic technologies
